Perancangan Fasilitas Kerja Pada Stasiun Kerja Pemotongan dan Pemolaan In Sole di CV. Matrix

Charisma Adhi Abiyasa, Eri Achiraeniwati, Nur Rahman As’ad


The development of small industries in Bandung rapidly one on shoe manufacturing, so the entrepreneurs engaged in shoe-making small industry increasingly encouraged to maintain or increase its productivity. In an effort to increase productivity, there is one aspect that should be fixed in an industry that is the comfort of the facilities work. CV Matrix is one of the small industries that are engaged in the manufacture of shoes that are housed in the area of Bandung Cibaduyut, who produce shoes exclusively for women and implement the strategy of make to order where production is carried out if there is already an order. Problems in this company are there complaints due to the unavailability of facilities work for the process of cutting and pemolaan insole. This is proved by the results of Discomfort on 9 of the 18 Questioner body part that covers the head, neck, shoulders, upper arms, elbows, forearm, thigh, waist, knees, and feet. Average frequency perceived by crafters scale 3-5 shows the scale were to interfere. From the results of the risk analysis by the method of LUBA (Postural Loading On the Upper Body Assessments) can be seen that each element of the work of both crafters have score > 10, this suggests that any job into a category 4. So that the necessary corrective actions through the design of new facilities. The results of this research in the form of a draft on-site new ergonomic work desks with emphasis on aspects of Anthropometry workers so the workers feel safe and comfortable.


LUBA, Ergonomic, Anthropometry


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