The Design of Employee Rate in Bank X

Andre Wardhana, Dewi Shofi, Asep Nana


The banking sector has a duty to manage public finances. To maintain public confidence, it needs improvements on every aspects. Human Resources (HR) is one of the important aspects that need to be considered by company. This happens because HR plays an important role in running company’s business processes. The importance of human resources is considered by Bank X. Bank X holds the principle that every position requires individual with qualified criteria. To assign a right individual on a position, a code of assessment criteria of position filler is needed to support decision making. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to conduct the proposed improvement of the criteria assessment guideline in Bank X. This research is a quantitative method using the AHP. The data covers primary and secondary data collected through the study of literature and a questionnaire to the decision maker. To determine the largest weight of assessment in the five divisions of Bank X, the AHP analysis was used. The results of largest weight of assessment covering five divisions of Bank X. The Commercial Division emphasizes on the aspect of personality (27.5%). The Consumer Division emphasizes on the aspect of personality (39.9%). The Micro Division emphasizes on the aspect of job technique (40.3%). The Operational Division emphasizes on the aspects of job technique (36.8%). The Finance Division emphasizes on the aspects of job technique (40.6%). Based on the results of data processing and analysis with AHP method, the ranking of weight of assessment is made at the levels of criteria and sub-criteria. It can be used in setting right individuals to fill positions in Bank X, especially for manager level.


Human Resources, Decision Making, Analytical Hierarchy Process


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