Perbaikan Aliran Produksi dengan Pengurangan Pemborosan Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing (Studi Kasus Lantai Produksi Pt. Granesia)

Azmi Luqman Zulkifli, Endang Prasetyaningsih, Chaznin R Muhammad


Abstract. PT. Granesia is one of the printing companies that has two separate factory locations, namely plant A and plant B. The current condition that occurs in the company is that there are still a number of waste activities which result in a delay in completion even to cause over time. In this study, the steps taken to reduce this waste are by making improvements using a lean manufacturing approach, namely by identifying the production flow using value stream mapping (VSM), then identifying waste activities through distributing the waste questionnaire and analyzing the root causes of waste with the Root Cause method Analysis. From the VSM current state map mapping, the lead time value obtained at PT. Granesia plant A for 11 69 minutes with the value to waste ratio of 26.94%, while in plant B the lead time value is obtained for 2520 minutes with the value to waste ratio of 40.47% Based on the results of the identification of wastage found the type of waste namely waiting, motion, transportation and defact, and with root cause abalysis the highest waste is waiting. The corrective steps are using a 5W + 1H approach which is composed of several proposals, namely expedition changes, use of electronic media, implementation of continuous flow, application of SOPs, making check sheets and visual controls, 5S implementation, FIFO, TPM and SMED implementation. The estimated results from the corrective steps are expected to reduce the lead time value to 556 minutes at plant A by increasing the value to waste ratio to 55.56% and at plant B to 1568 minutes with the value to waste ratio to 65.1%

Keywords: Lean manufacturing, questionnaires of 7 waste, root cause analysys, 5W+1H

Abstrak. PT. Granesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan percetakan yang memiliki dua lokasipabrik yang terpisah yaitu plant A dan plant B. Kondisi saat ini yang terjadi di perusahaanadalah masihadanyabeberapa kegiatan pemborosan yang mengakibatkan penundaan waktu penyelesaian bahkan hingga menyebabkan terjadi over time. Pada penelitian inilangkah yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi pemborosan tersebut adalahdengan melakukan perbaikan menggunakan pendekatanlean manufacturing, yaitu  dengan identifikasi aliran produksi menggunakan value stream mapping (VSM), kemudian identifikasi kegiatan pemborosanmelalui penyebaran kuesioner 7 waste dan analisis akar penyebab pemborosan dengan metode Root Cause Analysis.Dari pemetaan VSM current state map, diperoleh nilai lead time di PT. Granesia plantA selama 1169 menit dengan nilai the value to waste ratiosebesar26,94 %, sedangkan di plant B diperoleh nilai lead time selama 2520 menit dengan nilai the value to waste ratio sebesar 40,47 %. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi pemborosan ditemukan jenis pemborosan yaitu waiting, motion, transportation dandefact, dan dengan root cause abalysis diperoleh waste tertinggi adalahwaiting. Langkah perbaikan menggunakan pendekatan 5W+1H disusun beberapa usulanyaitu perubahan ekspedisi, penggunaan media elektronik, penerapan aliran kontinyu, penerapan SOP, pembuatan check sheet dan visual control, penerapan 5S, penerapan FIFO, TPM dan SMED. Langkah perbaikan tersebut diharapkan mampu menurunkan nilai lead timemenjadi 556 menit di plant A dengan kenaikan nilai the value to waste ratio menjadi 55,56% dan di plant B menjadi 1568 menit dengan the value to waste ratio menjadi 65,1 %.

Kata Kunci : Lean manufacturing, kuesioner 7 waste, root cause analysys, 5W+1H


Lean manufacturing, kuesioner 7 waste, root cause analysys, 5W+1H

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