Logo Karakter Mie Reman

rian fajri, Teguh Ratmanto


Principally, logo is a symbol that represents the figure, the face, or the existence of a company or a product of that company itself. In addition to building a corporate image, logo also often used to build internal spirit amongst some existing components within the company. Nowadays, the trending concept of creating logo that emerging in the current culinary business is the provision of certain characters that represent the identity of that brand itself. So then, it was the task of a Public Relations to understand the meaning that is contained in the logo itself. So based on that cases, the authors conducted a research about the meaning that is contained in the logo with the title Mie Reman Character Logo. In this research, the authors used qualitative research methods. In addition, the authors also choose Roland Barthes semiotic approach to describe the meaning of the Mie Reman logo. By performing a denotative, connotative and myths analysis. The purpose of this research was to determine the denotative and connotative meaning and also the meaning of the myth contained in Mie Reman character logo. By focusing the research on images and colors displayed on the logo itself. From the research that has been done, the authors obtain the meaning that is contained on the logo about the vision, mission and corporate identity, which is delivered through the images in the logo as a form of nonverbal messages to the public company.


Character Logo, Semiotic, Mie Reman


Kurniawan. 2001. Semiologi Roland Barthes. Magelang: Indonesia Tera.

Sobur. 2009. Analisis Teks Media; Suatu Pengantar untuk Analisis Wacana, Analisis Semiotika dan Analisis Framing. Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.979

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