Perencanaan Komunikasi Bank Mandiri Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan

Irza Darini Paramitha, M Subur Drajat, Ani Yuningsih


The research is called “Communication Planning of Bank Mandiri in Order to Improve the Quality of Serviceâ€. The research was conducted in Bank mandiri Branch of Simpang Tiga Tarakan. The purpose of this research is defines a PR problem, planning and programming, taking action and communication, and evaluating program conducted by Bank Mandiri Simpang Tiga Tarakan in Order to Improve the Quality of Service. This research using quantitative descriptive. Data collection by giving questionnaires to respondents who are all employees of the Bank Mandiri Simpang Tiga Tarakan, to interview with key informant who has authority to provide informations about Bank Mandiri Simpang Tiga Tarakan along with communication planning, to observe of the working environment in Bank Mandiri Simpang Tiga Tarakan, and doing literature study on matters relating to research. By using the analysis model of communication planning Cutlip, Center, and Broom, authors take a conclusion that the overall planning of communication has been excellent. Starting from the defining issue of PR, planning and programming, taking action communication, and evaluation the program of Bank Simpang Tiga Tarakan. However, the authors suggest that the formation of the team should be reduced. Because in each team has a different employee roles.


communication planning, quality of service.


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