Public Relations Audit Activities as a Function of Public Relations on the Road Program PR FM Bandung

Fannya Putri Indrarani, Ani Yuningsih


Function of Public Relations on the PR Jalan FM Relax Program", with subtitles "Case Study on Public Relations Audit Activities as a Function of Public Relations on the Road Program PR Bandung FM". Audit Public Relations is a comprehensive evaluation of a process, activities, systems, and programs in public relations activities. Public Relations Audit is assessed as one of the study to know the position and condition of public relations in an organization or company both internally and externally to measure, and evaluate public relations activities in the future. It underlies FM radio to carry public relations audit activities as a foundation in running event organizing activities. The purpose of this research is to know how Public Relations Audit in preparation stage as a public relations function in the program of Roads Santai PR FM; To know the Audit Public Relations at the implementation stage; To know how Audit Public Relations at the impact stage as a function of public relations program on the Road Santai PR FM. The research method used is qualitative research method with case study approach. Data collection techniques used are observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that public relations PR, PR promotion and event division should research the adequacy of data information in the field to plan an event program (through on the spot, social media, browsing about suitable events to be held to the community), research implementation tailored to Programs and suitability of the strategy based on the need for the event to be held, as well as researching on the evaluation phase of the content of the message where through evaluation, and the effects or impacts of both pre-event and post-event summative evaluation. This is what continues to encourage the PR FM to continue to create an event and continue to evaluate through the Internal Audit activities internally so that event activities in the future do not experience the constraints and problems that arise between the PR FM and other companies.


Audit Public Relations, Event, Preparation, Implementation, Impact


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