Community Opinion in Brief Messages of Population (PESDUK) Pemkot Cimahi

Fika Rizky Rachmadita, Maman Chatamallah


The purpose of this research is to discover the opinion of South Cimahi city residents, specifically in Kelurahan Cibeber concerning the program made and ran by Governement of Cimahi City namely Pesan Penduduk (Pesduk) which serves as critics and suggestions service point for residents of Cimahi City to the Governement of Cimahi City. The results of the conducted research is the form of public relations process in the Pesan Penduduk (Pesduk) as a service program from the Government of Cimahi City which serves the function as a medium or communication media between city residents and the city government and policymaker where this program is made to accommodate various critics and suggestions from the city residents to help the Government of Cimahi City to improve its service regarding city resident’s complains. Pesduk helped to create an effective communication media that is easily reachable by the city residents to communicate with the city government, so it will reduce unfavorable images from the city residents that communicating with the city government is difficult. Pesduk is a proof of the government’s performance to feature better community service and develop open information system with the community. The suggestion of this research is the expectation that the Government of Cimahi City should improve the running Pesduk program to help give better community service and provides better communication between the city residents and the government of Cimahi city.


Opinion, Public Relations, Government of Cimahi City


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Sumber internet :

Thomas L Friedman,â€Peran Media Sebagai Pembentuk Opini Publikâ€, diakses dari, pada tanggal 16 mei 2017 pukul 20.15


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