Implemetation of Public Relations Process on The Program CSR PT. Pertamina Ep Asset 3 Cirebon

Dian Andrea, M Husen Fahmi


CSR exercised by PT. Pertamina ep asset 3 cirebon as a recognition of the importance of the application of corporate social responsibility in its implementation, Pertamina ep 3 asset Cirebon always felt as part of a community and responsible over the sustainability of public life. PT. Pertamina ep asset 3 cirebon there has been much activity or activity corporate social responsibility who were able to reach the whole societ. PT. Pertamina ep asset 3cirebon own, corporate communication plays an important role in dealing with our external relations firm on social responsibility company with the wider community. CSR PT. Pertamina ep 3 asset Cirebon is focused on the program that would be sustainable .But , the strategy is the application of corporate social responsibility from PT. Pertamina ep asset 3 cirebon has improved positive image of companies.The purpose of research to find information gathering (pengumpulan informasi), planning (perencanaan), communicating (pengkomunikasian), and evaluating (Penilaian) of the process Public Relations on CSR programs PT. Pertamina EP Asset 3 Cirebon. In this study, the authors used descriptive research method with interviewing, observation, and literature review that explains or discusses events without testing hypotheses or numbers. Discussion result indicates that the process of public relations through the collection of information gathering, planning, communicating, and evaluating to create a smooth distribution of CSR funds and targeted to its special area of Subang. No longer errors that were previously wrong in channeling CSR funds. PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Cirebon, in running its CSR program has been very good, so that is done only from the programs - programs that are running.


Proses Public Relations, Information Gathering, Planning, Communicating, Evaluating


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