Hubungan antara Program Undian BRI Simpedes terhadap Minat Nasabah Menabung di Tabungan BRI Simpedes

Wilya Agustin


The program BRI Simpedes was an incentive and a thank you Bank BRI to customers savings Bank Simpedes across the country, aim at held this program that customers faithful with Bank BRI and want to continue to improve the balance of savings. A program is expected to give good impact in the company either in the company financial gain and good image in the citizens. Programs Bank BRI hope interest customers to continue to save at BRI Simpedes savings. But growing interest customers it is easy, promo see the numerous programs like this in doing almost every Banks in Indonesia. Research purposes to know the relationship between the program BRI Simpedes against transaksional interest, reprensial interest, preferential interest, interest explorative customers save at Simpedes savings Bank in the city Batam. The methodology used is correlational. Data collection was carried out by means of spreading to 50 survey respondents as samples. The sample techniques used in this research was accidental sample. Based on the research done, shows that the relationship between the program BRI Simpedes against transaksional interest, reprensial interest, preferential interest, interest explorative customers save at Simpedes savings Bank in the city Batam have a significant relation to create interest customers to save in BRI Simpedes.


The program, Interest, Save in BRI Simpedes


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