Strategi Promosi Single Lagu Rika Rafika dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Album Milang Bentang

Devi Megha Kantinala


This thesis is the research result of Promotion Strategy of Rika Rafika’s Single in Increasing Milang Bentang Album Sales (Descriptive Study about Promotion Strategy of Rika Rafika’s Single in Increasing Milang Bentang Album Sales). The purpose of this research is to: (1)To find out the advertising done by the management in increasing the sales of Milang Bentang album, (2)To find out the personal selling done by the management in increasing sales Milang Bentang album, (3)To find out the sales promotion done by the management in increasing sales Milang Bentang album, (4)To find out the publicity done by the management in increasing sales Milang Bentang album. In this research, the researcher uses quantitative research with descriptive method which aims to explore facts about promotion strategies of Rika Rafika’s single in increasing Milang Bentang album sales. The data or information obtained is described accordance to the reality which presented in the form of a word or sentence to be drawn a conclusion. Data collection techniques used by researchers as follows: 1)Interview 2)Documentation 3)Literature study. Informants in this study are 2 speakers, the first is Ceppy Anungsang Ryana as manager Rika Rafika. And the second is Sundanese Pop Singer Rika Rafika. Technique of data analysis in this research is qualitative technique, that is, data emerge in tangible words and not series of numbers. The data may have been collected in various ways (observation, interview, the essence of the document, the tape), and those were usually processed prior to use (through recording, typing, editing, or transcription), but qualitative analysis still uses words, usually compiled into expanded text. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is marketing strategy of a product must involve many parties in it. Certainly with complicated process as well. In this study, the results obtained in the field quite satisfactory, because in the marketing strategy process conducted by management team of Rika Rafika quite smoothly and meet the initial target as an arranged set by the promotion management team of Rika Rafika’s Milang Bentang album.


Strategy, Promotion, Marketing, Sales


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