Opini Publik mengenai Keberadaan Transportasi Online

Tia Siti Hoeriyah, Dadi Ahmadi


Transportation is an important element in today’s society life. Everyone needs transportation in their activities. Increased mobility of society create new problems. The existence of conventional transportation can no longer be used as a solution to the transportation problem. The emergence of online transportation as absoulute solution, with all the advantages offered people prefer online transportation. With the consequently, that conventional transportation is extinct. The existence of an increasingly crowded online transportation creates a lot of problem. Conventional transportation service providers did a massive protest against the new existence of online transportation.Seeing this probmlems, the authors were interested to know the public opinion about the existence of online transportation in Bandung. With the three aspects of Dan Nimmo which is namely, beliefs, feelings, and expectations. The purpose of this study are: first, to know the belief of citizens about the existence of online transportation in Bandung. Second, to know the how is citizens feelings about the existence of online transportation in the city of Bandung. Third, to know is the hope of citizens about the existence of online transportation in the Bandung. Public in this research that is located at Kelurahan Babakan Ciparay RW 03RT 04. The author uses descriptive method that describes a state or phenomenon that occurs. With data collection techniques that questionnaire as a means of collecting basic data, interviews, libraries and the internet.


Public Opinion,Online Transportation,Gojek


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.7338

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