Strategi Komunikasi STKS dalam Trauma Healing untuk Anak Korban Bencana

Faldi Rizardli Anugrah


Indonesia is a country prone to disaster, so it is probable that many people are traumatized in the event of a disaster. Trauma healing activity is an activity that is often done by STKS Bandung, because it has become the responsibility of STKS in providing assistance to disaster victims, especially on their psychological welfare. The activity of trauma healing done by STKS did not escape from the name of communication activity. In communication activities on trauma healing, communication strategy is needed so that the delivered message can be delivered appropriately to the child of disaster victims. This study aims to know the purpose of STKS in trauma healing, how STKS can be involved in disaster management by involving its social workers, what stages are done in providing trauma healing activity, and what factors become obstacles in trauma healing activity. The theory that can support in this research is using interpersonal theory from Onong U. Effendy and communication strategy theory from John Middleton. This research is a qualitative research using short case study method and literature study. The research take place at SekolahTinggiKesejahteraanSosial (STKS) Bandung. Result of this research, communication strategy done by STKS in trauma healing activity is done by determining social worker who have been certified to directly jump into space, involving partners who work together with STKS Bandung. In addition, social trauma healing workers conduct assessment in order to know the actions that must be done, including using play therapy as a medium in trauma healing activities in children. This activity is also done in a long period of time and many times.


Communication Strategy, Trauma Healing, Stages of Planning, Communication Interpersonal


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