Nonverbal Communication Messages of Painting Through Engineering Contemporary Layer

Muhammad Naufal, Ani Yuningsih


With the development of painting in Indonesia is so rapid now that painting can be one tool to convey the message symbolically. The problem is when a painter describes a message through contemporary paintings of many communities or targets of the painter who can not understand the elements / messages in the painting, such as the meaning of the colors, the intentions of the characters and shapes made, the rough textures As well as the lines that even have different messages of each form, so that many people do not know clearly the content of the message in the painting made by the painter The purpose of research to determine the effectiveness of the use of colors, characters and shapes, streaks and lines, Texture through contemporary painting techniques in conveying messages. Descriptive research method with interview techniques, observation, and literature review that explains or discusses events without testing the hypothesis or numbers. The results of the discussion show that the use of colors, characters and shapes, streaks and lines, and textures through contemporary painting techniques can be said to be effective because the message contained in the painting can be understood its meaning and understood by contemporary paint lovers.


Message, Nonverbal Communication, Contemporary Painting


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