Crisis Management Strategy Public Relations of Marbella Suites Bandung Hotel in Restoring Reputation

Ladysa Septrina Pratiwi, Neni Yulianita


Marbella Suites Bandung Hotel is a 4 star hotel with a condo apartment concept located on Jl. Sentra Dago Resort. The hotel is famous for its superior programs and attracts corporate leaders from big cities. On January 8, 2016 at 19.30 pm, there was a panel fire incident on the 5th floor of Marbella Bandung Hotel. In this case, the crisis created the company in a position of public concern that questioning the competence of the company's management. Strategies used by Marbella Suites Bandung Hotel, such as: Fact Finding and SOPs, Cleaning, Recovery, and Reforestation. This research able to get the data and information that has depth level further about crisis management strategy of Public Relations through key informants who have various positions and has its own criteria, which involves 3 people directly involved in the implementation crisis management strategies. The result of this research is, Public Relations conduct Media Monitoring, Media Relations, technical crisis analysis, and sales activity (sales call) that sustainable until the last process runs, because the Hotel must restore back its clients who had lost confidence in the credibility of the hotel.


Public Relations, Strategy, Crisis Management, Reputation


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