Marketing Public Relations Strategy in Promoting Indonesian Culture

Ridhan Fawwaz, Wulan Trigartanti


Indonesia, represented by KBRI Sofia has one of its duties to carry out promotions in accreditation countries both in the field of economic, social and cultural politics. In promoting Indonesian Culture, the Embassy in Sofia uses a marketing strategy. Marketing strategy is a Strategy Marketing Strategy Public Relations is a process of planning, implementation and evaluation of programs that can stimulate purchasing, and customer satisfaction. Public Relations Marketing Strategy is done by the Embassy in Sofia in promoting Indonesian Culture. Therefore, this study discusses about how Marketing Strategy Public Relations conducted by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Sofia in Bulgaria in promoting Indonesian Culture. KBRI Sofia This study aims to find out what events are conducted by KBRI Sofia in promoting Indonesian Culture, how to communicate through media conducted by KBRI Sofia in promoting Indonesian Culture, and how the natural obstacle by KBRI Sofia in promoting Indonesian Culture. The research method used is Qualitative Research Methods because it can write facts actual and accurate srta can produce findings that can not be obtained by statistical or measurement. Data collection is done by observation, in-depth interview, literature study and internet searching. The results of this study mengunggkapkan that the Embassy (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia) has done Strategic Marketing Public Relations in promoting the Culture of Indonesia by way of Event, Komunkasi Through Media and Establish Relations. After conducting Public Relations Marketing Strategy in promoting Indonesian Culture, there are obstacles experienced by KBRI Sofia in promoting Indonesian Culture namely language differences, lack of available human resources, and inadequate budget in the implementation of the Cultural Promotion Activities of Indonesia.


Marketing Public Relations, promosi, Budaya Indonesia


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