Bank Indonesia Public Relation Strategy in Socializing New Money NKRI Year 2016 Emissions

Sahnaz Eva Mardatillah, Tresna Wiwitan


Essentially, money is a tool of legitimate counting and exchange. But over the time money is not only the case, where money has become the level of social inequality in society. Circulation of money that is too long in the community sometimes make money more easily known and happen counterfeiting rupiah. Therefore, on December 19, 2016, Bank Indonesia officially released new money in the name of money NKRI Year 2016 Emissions. But the new money expenditure raises various assumptions in the community until the news about new money that is considered untrue. The issue of the existence of the sickle hammer logo in new money could become controversy, not only that the selection of heroes in the new money is considered not in accordance with the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The design and color of the NKRI money is considered to resemble the foreign currency, until the issue that the printing of new money is not paid by PERURI as the only state-owned enterprise in Indonesia that does the printing of rupiah money.Based on the background of the problems, this research title "Bank Indonesia Public Relation Strategy in Socializing New Money NKRI Year 2016 Emissions". The aim is to find out how the strategy conducted by the public relations of Bank Indonesia in disseminating the new money. Because the role of a publicist in this case is needed, and researchers want to know more deeply what is done by the PR of Bank Indonesia West Java in doing these activities.So this research uses qualitative research method and case study approach. The researcher also focuses on knowing how the socialization done by the public relations of Bank Indonesia, the reason of public relations of Bank Indonesia to educate the public, and how the public relations of Bank Indonesia handle the crisis of the issues. So this research uses public relations operational model from Cultip, Center and Broom to support the research. From the results of this study Bank Indonesia KpW West Java to socialize to all levels of society in West Java. Socialization is done by going directly to institutions or agencies to the public in general, by using mobile cash cars to exchange new rupiah, and using print media, mass media and electronic to disseminate the socialization. As for the things done not only exchanged the new money but also the delivery of material about new money to the explanation of issues in the new money.


Money NKRI, PR, Strategy, Socialization, Bank Indonesia


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