Strategi Marketing Public Relations Hotel Bidakara Grand Savoy Homann Bandung melalui Event 78th Anniversary sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Konsumen

R Sitti Fatin Rahima, Maya Amalia Oesman Palapa


The growth of the hospitality industry in Bandung City is increasing from year after year. Competition of hotel room rates between old hotels and low-budget new hotels is increasingly uncontrolled against hotel occupancy. For that, the public relations Hotel Bidakara Grand Savoy Homann makes Marketing Public Relations strategy to improve consumers one of them by holding Event 78th Anniversary.BThe purpose of this research is to know Event 78th Anniversary Hotel Bidakara Grand Savoy Homann become one of program in Marketing Public Relations strategy. To find out PR Officer Hotel Bidakara Grand Savoy Homann in applying Marketing Public Relations strategy through Event 78th Anniversary. To know the obstacles to Marketing Public Relations strategy through Event 78th Anniversary Hotel Bidakara Grand Savoy Homann Bandung as an effort to increase consumer. The method used in this research is qualitative method of the case study approach. Data collection techniques by conducting interviews, observation, documentation, and literature study. The data have been obtained, then analyzed by using data triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the Event 78th Anniversary was successful. Promotion through mass media, especially effective digital marketing. Fun Run activities managed to attract the masses and collected 280 participants from 150 participants. This shows that people's interest in this series of events is high and impacts both events and hotels. It is expected that this research can be useful for other companies that want to organize events well and useful for insight and science for further research.


Hotel, Strategy, Marketing Public Relations, Event


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