Analisis Program Wisata Kota Bandung di Infobdgtv

Muhammad Lukman Amirullah, Neni Yulianita


Public relations strategies are the steps performed by public relations on program aimed at the advancement of the company. Because the company's progress is the goal of every company. City branding itself can be described as a strategy of a country or region to make a strong positioning in the minds of their target market, as well as the positioning of a product or service, so that the countries and regions can be widely known throughout the world. This study examined about analysis of InfobdgTV program in building a city branding of Bandung City conducted by Infobdg Media Networks.The Research methods that the author use is qualitative method with case study approach. Data collection techniques that used is interviews to employees of public relations online media Infobdg, then observations to Infobdgtv program in building city branding.The uniqueness of the program at the same time be a breakthrough program of public relations in the form of multimedia using the digital mass media easily can inform the wider community more deeply about all the potential of Bandung city, from the start of culture, history of Bandung city, the type of culinary, tourist attractions, places to shop and other potentials owned by Bandung city , so that people outside the city of Bandung have an interest in it, and the citizens of Bandung city itself can feel proud and feel to have what owned Bandung city.


InfobdgTV Programs, City Branding, Public Relations


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