Opini Masyarakat mengenai Sosialisasi Pengairan Waduk Jatigede di Sumedang

Fadhila Rahmatia Ilahi, Maman Chatamallah


Abstract.The goals of this study are to: (1) Find out the opinions of Impacted Local People (OTD) about the contents and socialization of Irrigation of Jatigede Dam construction itself. (2) Find out the opinions of Impacted Local People (OTD) about socialization media used to socialize Jatigede Dam Irrigation. (3) Find out the opinions of Impacted Local People (OTD) about socialization process of Jatigede Dam Irrigation. (4) find out the reasons why socialization is important for Local People (OTD). The study conducted by the writer using Qualitative Research Method with Study Case Approaching strategy. the technique used in collecting the data were by interview, literature study, documentation, and internet. The main subject of this study is the Impacted Local People (OTD) because of construction of Jatigede Dam in Sumedang and it is put on the primary data. This study is focusing on the opinions of Impacted Local People (OTD) on socialization activity in this Irrigation of Jatigede Dam Construction.       Based on the result of the study, the opinions of Impacted Local People (OTD) related to the contents, media, process, and the importance of socialization about consrtuction of Jatigede Dam Irrigation for the local people, it can be concluded that the socialization activity of this project is absolutely contrary compared to the reality. The socialization activity was actually well done, but not the realization, it was out of the people's needs and expectation.

Abstrak.Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk: (1) mengetahui pendapat masyarakat OTD tentang isi dari sosialisasi pengairan waduk Jatigede. (2) mengetahui pendapat masyarakat OTD tentang media sosialisasi pengairan waduk Jatigede. (3) mengetahui pendapat masyarakat OTD tentang proses sosialisasi pengairan waduk Jatigede. (4) mengetahui alasan perlunya sosialisasi bagi masyarakat OTD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif melalui pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data untuk mendukung penelitian ini ialah dengan wawancara, studi literatur, dokumentasi serta internet. Subjek pada penelitian ini ialah masyarakat OTD (orang terkena dampak) dari adanya pembangunan waduk Jatigede di Sumedang dan termasuk ke dalam data primer. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai opini dari masyarakat OTD mengenai kegiatan sosialisasi pengairan waduk Jatigede. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pendapat atau opini masyarakat OTD (orang terkena dampak) terkait dengan isi, media, proses serta perlunya kegiatan sosialisasi mengenai pengairan waduk Jatigede bagi masyarakat, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan sosialisasi tersebut bertolak belakang dengan realitas atau kenyataan yang terjadi setelah dilakukannya pengairan. Kegiatan sosialisasi dapat dikatakan berjalan dengan lancar, namun pada realisasinya tidak berjalan sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan serta dibutuhkan masyarakat.


Public Opinion, Socialization, Irrigation of Jatigede Dam Construction


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.4156

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