Optimalisasi Penggunaan Layanan Komunikasi 147 oleh Pelanggan Indihome

Ridha Nurjanah, M Husen Fahmi


Abstract.Indihome is one of the internet providers that offer triple play services consisting of home phone, fiber optic Internet network and UseeTV. As the largest provider then required to provide the best service to its customers through Telkom Care 147. Under these conditions, the problem in this research is formulated as follows: (1)How is the reliability of communication services according to customer Indihome 147? (2)How responsiveness 147 communication service according to customer Indihome? (3)How to taste definitely Customer Service by Indihome 147 communication? (4)How empathetic communication service 147 according to Customer Indihome? Researchers used descriptive method with quantitative approach. The population in the capture is a resident of RW 03 villages Cijerah as many as 35 respondents. With the total sampling technique. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires, interviews, observation, and study pustaka.Hasil this study are: (1)Dimensions Reliability has a difference of -38.3, the 147 service is not yet fully optimized (2)Responsiveness Dimension has a difference of -25.6 then the 147 service is not yet fully optimized (3) dimensional Security has a difference of -18.3, the 147 service is not yet fully optimized (4) On the dimension Empathy has 147 -27.6 then the service has not been fully optimized.

Abstrak.Indihome yaitu salah satu provider internet yang menawarkan layanan triple play yang terdiri dari telepon rumah, jaringan internet Fiber optic dan UseeTV. Sebagai provider terbesar maka diharuskan untuk memberikan layanan terbaik kepada konsumennya melalui Telkom Care 147. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka permasalahan dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut: (1)Bagaimana keandalan Layanan komunikasi 147 menurut Pelanggan Indihome? (2)Bagaimana daya tanggap Layanan komunikasi 147 menurut Pelanggan Indihome? (3)Bagaimana rasa pasti Layanan komunikasi 147 menurut Pelanggan Indihome? (4)Bagaimana empati Layanan komunikasi 147 menurut Pelanggan Indihome? Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi yang di ambil adalah warga RW 03 kelurahan cijerah sebanyak 35 responden. Dengan teknik total sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner, wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka.Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1)Dimensi Keandalan memiliki selisih -38,3 maka layanan 147 belum sepenuhnya optimal (2)Dimensi Daya Tanggap memiliki selisih -25,6 maka layanan 147 belum sepenuhnya optimal (3)Dimensi Jaminan memiliki selisih -18,3 maka layanan 147 belum sepenuhnya optimal (4)Pada dimensi Empati memiliki -27,6 maka layanan 147 belum sepenuhnya optimal.


service quality, customer service, Indihome.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.3964

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