Altruism of Film “99 Cahaya di Langit Eropaâ€

Fanny Rachmawati, Maman Chatmallah


Film is a form of mass communication. Film is a medium that has a strong enough  to persue a point of view, assumptions, perceptions, behavior, social systems in society. Without realizing that what is presented in each discourse, tucked a sign, symbols and ideology that does not directly affect themselves into an audience. Like in the movie 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa, directed by Guntur Soeharjanto, rather than as entertainment, tucked meanings and symbols and ideology in several scenes representing altruism in the film may only be realized by some quarters because people pay more attention to visual and the story line . This study was conducted to determine and inform how a signs, symbols and ideology conveyed in a scene in the movie 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa. For the validity of the data, the researchers attach multiple interviews with informants related to the film 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa and figures relating to the world of cinema. The study states that in the film 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa is there meaning in symbols and signs that represent the ideology of altruism in a few scenes.


Altruism, Film, 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa, Semiotic Analysis, John Fiske


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