Program PALAzine sebagai Strategi Repositioning PALA Nusantara

Alda Shofwatulina Mardya, Riza Hernawati


Abstract. The position of a brand or company becomes an important thing in a company's image among consumers. The company's lack of interaction with consumers offline during the Covid-19 pandemic makes consumers lose their attractiveness or impression on the company's brand in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Repositioning is needed when the initial positioning of a brand for goods, services, brands or organizations is no longer able to compete and guarantee sustainability or profit or when a better positioning idea emerges. This study discusses the PALAzine program as a repositioning strategy for PALA Nusantara through the company's website and Instagram during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a decrease in followers on PALA Nusantara's Instagram social media. Therefore, the company is maneuvering for what happened during the Covid-19 pandemic. PALA Nusantara also created a new repositioning strategy which was carried out through website-based digital media and also Instagram in order to retain its customers. This study aims to find out how the PALAzine program as a PALA Nusantara repositioning strategy through the company's website and Instagram during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The results for this research are 1) The process of making the PALAzine program as a PALA Nusantara repositioning strategy is carried out in a planned and systematic manner 2) In selecting the theme and content of the PALAzine program, brainstorming is carried out but with different methods 3) Several reasons behind the selection of the visual design of the PALAzine program, one of which is to grow the new brand image of PALA Nusantara 4) There are four reasons why PALA Nusantara created the PALAzine program as its repositioning strategy.

Keywords: PALA Nusantara, Repositioning Strategy, Brand Image, Media Online

Abstrak. Posisi sebuah merek atau perusahaan itu menjadi suatu hal yang penting dalam sebuah citra perusahaan di kalangan konsumen. Kurangnya interaksi perusahaan dengan konsumen secara offline di masa pandemi Covid-19 membuat konsumen kehilangan daya tarik atau kesan pada brand perusahaan di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Repositioning dibutuhkan apabila positioning awal suatu brand terhadap produk barang, jasa, merek atau organisasi tidak lagi mampu bersaing dan menjamin keberlanjutan atau profit atau ketika ide positioning yang lebih baik muncul. Penelitian ini membahas tentang program PALAzine sebagai strategi repositioning PALA Nusantara melalui website dan Instagram perusahaan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Dalam masa pandemi Covid-19, membuat adanya penurunan followers di media sosial Instagram PALA Nusantara. Karena itu, perusahaan ini melakukan manuver atas apa yang diterjadi di masa pandemi Covid-19. PALA Nusantara pun membuat strategi reposisi baru yang dilakukan melalui media online berbasis website dan juga Instagram guna untuk tetap mempertahankan konsumennya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana program PALAzine sebagai strategi repositioning PALA Nusantara melalui website dan Instagram Perusahaan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 1) Proses pembuatan program PALAzine sebagai strategi repositioning PALA Nusantara dilakukan secara terencana dan sesuai sistematis 2) Dalam pemilihan tema dan konten program PALAzine dilakukan brainstorming namun dengan metode yang berbeda 3) Beberapa alasan melatarbelakangi pemilihan design visual program PALAzine salah satunya untuk menumbuhkan brand image baru PALA Nusantara 4) Terdapat empat alasan mengapa PALA Nusantara membuat program PALAzine sebagai strategi repositioning nya.

Kata Kunci: PALA Nusantara, Strategi Reposisi, Brand Image, Media Online



PALA Nusantara, Strategi Reposisi, Brand Image, Media Online

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