Strategi Public Relations Perusahaan dalam Membangun Stakeholders Relations

Syifa Edyana Fithri, Mohamad Subur Drajat


Abstract— Summarecon Bandung makes a few programs to build stakeholders relations. Researchers see a function of public relations which is weaving a relationship with the public. This can be seen from the cooperation that was built by Summarecon Bandung with the public in this program.Research purposes in this research is to know the planning, the implementation by Public Relations Summarecon Bandung, and the reason why Public Relations Summarecon Bandung is doing this program which builds stakeholders relations. Research method in this research is qualitative with an intrinsic case study approach. Paradigm in this research is the constructivism paradigm. Data collection technique which researchers do is an online observation, online and offline interview, and online documentation. Data analysis technique in this research using two techniques which is a research comparative konstant technique and filing system technique. Test data validity goes through several stages which is research subject competency, trustworthiness, intersubjectivity agreement, conscientization, and triangulation source, theory, and method.From the research results it was found that the planning on program building stakeholders relations is exactly the same with strategic planning. The theory in this public relations strategic research is stakeholder theory and structural functionalism theory. The program to build a stakeholders relations which is media gathering, being a sponsor for PWI’s events, Instameet. And for work activity is doing a collaboration with influencers, handling an issue through media, and managing social media. The reason Public Relations Summarecon Bandung doing a building stakeholders relations program is to fulfill public relations duty in Summarecon Bandung, which is build and protecting image, doing a publication, increase brand awareness, and also doing a promotion through media.

Keywords—stakeholders, public relations strategic, Summarecon Bandung


stakeholders, strategi public relations, Summarecon Bandung.

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