Efektivitas Iklan Kosmetik Lanaige Indonesia Terhadap Minat Beli

Nabila Fitriyanjani, Nova Yulianita


Abstract. YouTube makes it easy for the digital community to upload, watch and share videos where users can create private channels. Youtube is the largest new media user in Indonesia which has more than 2 billion. Marketing activities that are carried out today to increase consumer attention, one of which is to serve ads on YouTube.Ads that are also mass communication activities delivered to heterogeneous audiences through mass media so that mass media involvement is important by the public. YouTube is one of the social media arising from the development of technology and the many needs of people in using digital as a medium to communicate and get information. Analyzed using AIDDA theory to determine the effectiveness of advertising in influencing buying interests. This analitive quantitative research uses purpossive sampling methods with strata populations  to collect data, with a sample of research from active students of Bandung Islamic University.This study involved 92 respondents. The results suggest that youtube mass media is effective against buying interests. The effectiveness of laneige cosmetic product advertising on youtube media exposure to the interest of buying active students of unisba faculty of communication sciences. The explanation shows the image of advertising in the mass media provides an effective role. Media exposure indicators, credibility, presentation of information, youtube messages have the effectiveness of contributing ads resulting in the emergence of consumer buying interest in Laneige products

Keywords: Effectiveness of advertising, media exposure, Youtube, AIDDA,


Efektivitas iklan, terpaan media, Youtube, AIDDA

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v6i2.24237

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