Hubungan antara Tayangan Video Merakit SIBI di Youtube dengan Kepercayaan Diri

Linda Khoirun Nida, Nurrahmawati Nurrahmawati


Abstract— YouTube social media is a social media that is highly idolized by all circles of society including deaf people. However, not all video shows on YouTube can be enjoyed by people who are deaf, even not only in social media, the presence of deaf people is also very less visible because of difficulties in communicate verbally. This has the lowest self-confidence of deaf people so that they have low motivation in their alertness and motivation to achieve their dreams. The song Merakit was created by singer Yura Yunita which contains motivation for people with disabilities to stay enthusiastic and never give up in reaching their dreams. The song was then made into a video using the SIBI sign language and shown for deaf friends. The title, namely the correlations between video show Merakit SIBI on Youtube and self-confidence has the aim of seeing how the relationship between video shows Merakit SIBI in the aspects of communicators, messages and media on YouTube with the confidence of the deaf. This research uses quantitative methods and a correlational approach. The population of students in 6 SLB schools in Sumedang Regency used a total sampling technique so that the respondents got as many as 41 people. This study uses social cognitive theory with the variables studied, namely the aspects of communicators, messages and media with self-confidence. The study used questionnaires, literature and observation as data analysis techniques and used SPSS 23 to process the resulting data. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant correlations between the communicator aspect and the message aspect with self-confidence, and there is no significant correlations between the media aspect and self-confidence

Keywords—video shows, youtube, confidence, deaf, communicators, messages, media.


tayangan video, youtube, kepercayaan diri, penyandang tunarungu, komunikator, pesan, media

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