Pengelolaan Persiapan Personal Grooming

Firly Marsela, Riza Hernawati


ABSTRACT. The appearance of an employee seems to be very important and demanded by the company. It can be seen from job advertisements which generally include "attractive performances" as one of the requirements that the job applicants must fulfill, especially for female applicants. Grooming, or generally speaking about neatness, involves the outer and inner neatness. The inner neatness relates to the concerned with the cleanliness of the work environment and its surroundings, not slouchy, and has a neat habit. While the outer neatness is a visible look, like how to groom and dress up. The focus of this research is to find out "How to manage Grooming preparation in the Acceptance Competition of Female Candidates in Program Bina BNI Jawa Barat". This research uses a qualitative approach to case studies, through unstructured and in-depth interview methods to candidates of female employees who have passed the interview stage of the Bina BNI Jawa Barat program. Validity test of data using the triangulation method to measure zzz reality of the field. As for the result of this research are: 1) candidates do personal grooming, which is grouped into three aspects namely clothing, makeup, and manner. The aspect of clothing and makeup following the appeal of the Bina BNI is wearing formal attire and not too excessive on makeup. 2) The choice of candidates’ clothing and makeup should follow these standards: formal attire consisting of shirts/blouse, blazer, skirt/chino pants, veil, 5cm heels with a color that is not very striking, and accessories if necessary. 3) Management of attraction of the candidates during the recruitment process is very important considering the appearance can create the first impression and perception or halo effect of candidates who can build their communication connection with HRD for the first time.

Keyword : Personal Grooming, Attractive Appeareance, Make-up, Attitude


Personal grooming, Penampilan menarik, Tata rias, Sopan santun

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