Fitur “Kejog†Gojek Indonesia dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Brand Awareness

Nur Amalina Fajrin, Riza Hernawati


Abstract— With the change of the revolution era to the 4.0, Gojek took the opportunity to change it by releasing a program called "kejoG". KejoG is a program released by Gojek in the form of year-end report cards. The uniqueness of this program is the approach from the heart with use romantic language. With this program, Gojek must try to win positive perceptions from the community so as to foster an image that will strengthen the company's brand awareness. Therefore researchers want to know the kejoG "Gojek Indonesia" program in an effort to increase brand awareness. The purpose of this study is to find out how the stages of the team are to analyze the customer so that it matches the customer characteristics, the evaluation process of the program, the reasons for using romantic / poetic language, the reason there are report cards every year and to know the respoms of the Gojek fitur. The method used in this research is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and literature studies related to research. The informants in this study were staff Gojek Indonesia, Gojek team @designatgojek, and user. The results of this research that Gojek Indonesia has three reasons for providing report cards every year, that is appreciation, end-of-year campaigns, and creating Kejog to be a viral. In a step-by-step analysis, Gojek Indonesia uses a two-sided theory, the persona theory and the RFM Growth Market. The use of romantic / poetic language is adjusted to the user's characteristics, conditions and makes the user comfortable comfort. There is a positive increase obtained from the Kejog feature by increasing brand awareness through satisfaction targets and information that is expected to become viral.

Keywords—Gojek Indonesia, kejoG, Brand Awareness


Gojek Indonesia, kejoG, Brand Awareness

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