Hubungan antara Sosialisasi dengan Pengetahuan Tentang Panas Bumi

Aneu Nurfaidah, Tresna Wiwitan


Abstract—Geothermal energy or geothermal is a renewable energy that is environmentally friendly, this energy has the potential to produce the largest electricity because it can reduce the impact of global warming. PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Area Kamojang, as the manager of geothermal energy, is conducting socialization efforts by using a video entitled "Environmental Friendly PLTP". This socialization was carried out at the Geothermal Information Center. This study aims to determine the relationship between socialization and knowledge of geothermal on the aspects of Clarity of Message, User Friendly, Content Representation and Media Visualization. The method used is the quantitative method with a correlational approach. The population of this study were visitors to the Geothermal Information Center (GIC) from November to February using a stratified random sampling technique so as to get 79 respondents. With data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires, literature study, and interviews. This study uses the Information Processing Theory proposed by Robert Gagne. The results of the study show that there is a significant relationship between socialization and knowledge of geothermal energy. On aspects clarity of message has a weak relationship with knowledge. Then, theaspect user friendly has a moderate relationship with knowledge. Furthermore, the aspect of content representation has a moderate relationship with knowledge. And, in the aspect of media visualization there is a moderate relationship with knowledge.

Keywords—Socialization, Geothermal, Knowledge, Pertamina, Geothermal Information Center.


Sosialisasi, Panas Bumi, Pengetahuan, Pertamina, Geothermal Information Center.

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