Komunikasi Interpersonal Ibu dan Anak dalam Mencegah Dampak Negatif YouTube

Anggita Safitri, Oji Kurniadi


Abstract— This research examines under the title "Mother and Child Interpersonal Communication in Preventing the Negative Impact of YouTube." This research aims to find out how interpersonal communication is carried out by parents in the Bandung modern mother community to their children in preventing the negative impacts of YouTube. YouTube is one of a number of social media that is often used by audiences ranging from adults to children. In this study the authors used qualitative research methods using a case study approach using a constructivist paradigm. The author uses data techniques through observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study. The results showed that in the interpersonal communication process there are several steps that a mother needs to do to communicate with her child. The stages include observing the condition and situation of the child. Building the child's mood, understanding the child, listening to the child and giving an example to the child. But behind all that, there are lots of obstacles - obstacles found, namely in terms of time that the mother has, as well as the character of the child so that a mother needs to understand the character of the child first to start communication with the child so that the child can understand the meaning of the message the mother will convey. Interpersonal communication is very important to use between mother and child in this context because the existence of interpersonal communication can reduce or erode the negative impact of YouTube on children.


Keywords: Interpersonal communication, threatening and children, Impact, YouTube, modern mam Bandung


Komunikasi Interpersonal, orangtua dan anak, Dampak, YouTube, modern mam bandung

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v6i2.22870

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