Makna Jilbab bagi Pengguna “Jilboobsâ€

Dianita Asri, Teguh Ratmanto


Metro TV is the private television station in Indonesia which provides a talk show program, namely "MarioTeguhGoldenWays". The people's enthusiasm to remain faithful watching this program can not be separated from Mario Teguh's credibility as the communicator. The positive attitude of society in their dailylife can not also be separated from the influence of the mass communication effects, including the effects of exposure to television programs such as this Mario Teguh Golden Ways Talk Show program. This study aims to find out the relationship between Mario Teguh's credibility, in the Mario Teguh Golden Ways Program on Metro TV, and the audiences' positive attitude on the "Women Are Never Wrong" topic. The study uses the theory of credibilty, attitude and the theory of S-O-R as well. The respondents are those people who become the audience of MarioTeguh Golden Ways Program on Metro TV. The methods used is correlational method by having 138 audience as the respondents. The data analysis is calculated by using the rank-order correlation formula (Spearman'sRho). The study has four pairs of indicators from two investigated variables. The results hows that each of these indicators are connected. Therefore, it can be assured that there is a relation between Mario Teguh's credibility, in the Mario Teguh Golden Ways Program on MetroTV, and the audiences' positive attitude on the "Women Are Never Wrong" topic.


Credibility,Attitude, Talk Show,Mario Teguh Golden Ways.


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