Hubungan antara Podcast Magdalene pada Spotify dengan Pemahaman Feminisme Liberal

Maulida Ayu Rahmah, Neni Yulianita


Abstract: The development of technology with the advent of the internet and the increasing needs of the community has led to various types of new media, such as media accessed by streaming. One of them is, Podcast which is a form of distribution of audio content., which is an alternative online media that focuses on the feminist movement, is spreading its wings with a Podcast format published via Spotify with its podcast account called Magdalene's Mind. So that the Magdalene Podcast on Spotify can provide a broader understanding of Liberal Feminism. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between Magdalene Podcast on Spotify and the understanding of Liberal Feminism. This study uses a quantitative method with a correlational approach as a guide in doing so. By using the Slovin formula, it produces 70 samples from 230 existing populations. And using the theory of Uses and Gratiffications, the writer will examine the relationship between Magdalene Podcasts and the understanding of Liberal Feminism supported by the concept of media users according to Rosengren which consists of user intensity, message content, and media content. In addition, the researcher also uses the concept of understanding according to Suke Silversius which consists of translating, interpreting and extrapolating. After conducting the research, it was found that: The relationship between Podcast Magdalene and the Understanding of Feminism variable is in a moderate correlation. This means that the Magdalene Podcast and Understanding Liberal Feminism are interconnected. Keywords: Podcast, Spotify, Magdalene, Feminism, Understanding.

Keyword : Podcast, Spotify, Magdalene, Feminism, Understanding.


Podcast, Spotify, Magdalene, Feminisme, Pemahaman

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