Citra Majelis Ulama Indonesia Pasca Isu Fatwa Larangan Menonton Tayangan di Platform Netflix

Kintan Sofia Renova, Maman Chatamallah


Abstract— Majelis Ulama Indonesia is non-governmental organizatopn forward by religious leader ftom various provinces in Indonesia. One of purpose of the MUI is to provide religious edicts. Recently, rumors circucaltion in cyberspace says that MUI will issue fatwa prohibiting viewing from Netflix platform. Of course, this wil affects the corporate image of the MUI. Netflix itself is a leading entertainment service provider in the world with 183 million paid memberships in more than 190 countries, presenting TV series, documentaries, and feature films in carious genres and languages. The online news portal taken on this study is Detil because it has the most coverage news for this rumors. This research uses a quantitative methodology with a content analysys technique approach, with 3 coder. By using element of corporate image which is primary impression, familiarity, perception characteristics, and value assessment.. This conducting data, researchers conducted observation, literature, and questionnaires. The result show us that Majelis Ulama Indonesia media coverage in terms of primary impression, familiarity, perception characteristics and value assessment were on positive level. This is because Detik reported good things about MUI from the start of the issue until the clarification made.

Keywords—Content Analysysg, Corporate Image, Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Netflix.


Analisis isi, Citra Lembaga, Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Netflix.

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