Hubungan antara Komunikasi Nonverbal Pengajar dengan Motivasi Belajar Siswa

Audi Siti Nur Huda, Mohamad Subur Drajat


Abstrak—communication is one thing that cannot be released. The message must be conveyed between the teacher and student through the communication process. The communication process is not only done with verbal communication, but also with nonverbal communication. However, not many teachers pay attention to their nonverbal languages when teaching and learning are carried out. In fact, the application of nonverbal communication in the learning process is very important in efforts to increase student motivation. Student motivation is one thing that plays an important role in teaching and learning activities. One of the non-formal educational institutions engaged in the English language and paying attention to the teaching of nonverbal communication is the Global Learning Education Center. Nonverbal communication is highly considered in Global Learning because it is expected to foster motivation of the student to learn English. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between nonverbal communication provided by the teachers with learning motivation of the student in Global Learning. This research used stimulus-response theory and used correlational quantitative research methods. In this study, the variable (X) is nonverbal communication and the variable (Y) is learning motivation. The population of this study is 75 people whose value would be the research sample. From this study, it was found that all indicators have a relationship. Nonverbal communication indicators, namely facial expressions, eye contact, touch, body posture, voice and gesture have a relationship with learning motivation. variable (X) nonverbal communication has a strong relationship with variable (Y) English learning motivation.

Keywords—Communication, Nonverbal, Student Motivation.


Komunikasi, Nonverbal, Motivasi Belajar.

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