Pencitraan Kirana Wedding Planner Sebagai Salah Satu Wedding Organizer di Kota Bandung

Randy Ary Sadewa, Maya Amalia Oesman


According to the image experts have the sense that not much different, according to one of them and soemirat ardianto who explained that imagery is the main purpose, and also is the result achieved to the world for public relations or public relations manager. The purpose in this research is to find the perception of visitors on Kirana wedding organizer, visitors to know on Kirana wedding organizer cognition, visitors to know the motivation on Kirana wedding organizer, to understand the attitude of visitors on Kirana wedding organizer. The theory used in this research namely the theory of the formation of image from soemirat and ardianto that mentioned 4 imagery derivative formation consisting of perception, cognition, motivation, attitude. During the preparatory phase of perception Kirana wedding planner make booth that draws, employees who friendly, as well as brochures informative. During the preparatory phase of koginisi, a respondent gave consider that the Kirana wedding planner always very professional so as always marriage makes a show with high quality. On hold motivation, respondents feel sure so willing to recommend Kirana wedding planner to family and owned by a relative. In the last stage that is the attitude, respondents willing to make Kirana wedding planner as if wedding main organizer will hold the wedding party


The formation of good image, Perception, Cognition, Motivation, Attitude


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