Opinion Member Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Bandung (PMB) About News Resignation Of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (AHOK) From Gerindra

Dendy Ibnu Fadillah, Dadan Mulyana


Public opinion regarding news controversy pullback Ahok on the NET TV creates values, views, attitudes general audience. Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Bandung (PMB) members as part of the critical community who give more attention to political problems, so that they give an opinion on the news of the resignation Ahok. NET TV is a new television, who preach resignation ahok of the Gerakan Indonesia Raya (GERINDRA) party the gaining more attention from the public as the audience. The aim of the study to know the opinion of PMB members of the actuality, factual, important, and interestingly about the news of the resignation Ahok from the GERINDRA party on NET TV. The method used is descriptive method, a method that simply describe a situation or event, do not look for or explain the relationship, and not to test the hypothesis. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 28 respondents as sample. Sample collection techniques with the processing of data because it includes activities edit data and encodes the data.


Opinion PMB Members, Ahok, GERINDRA, NET TV News.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2202

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