Strategi Program Tayangan ‘INI TALKSHOW’ di Stasiun Televisi NET

Damayanti Kurnia, Oji Kurniadi


The broadcasting industry of Indonesia is going to show the huge developement. Most of television stations have been coming up with any kind of TV Programs particulary on entertaiment programs. NET as one of the new TV station in Indonesia established on Mei, 18th 2013, has been giving entertaiment program which is fresh, innovative and also very interesting called ‘INI TALKSHOW’. This two hours program present the talkshow format completed by comedy without lacking the informative and educative contents. This program has been getting the positive response of citizen. For instance on Twitter, the quiz which they held everyday on Twitter mostly always hit the trending topic in Indonesia even Worldwide. Moreover, according to Nielsen data about share and rating, this program has been increasing gradually time by time. Therefore, the author interested to find out the program strategy of ‘INI Talk Show’. Because the author does believe that the program strategy is the key of succesful TV programs. This study uses the descriptive method by interview and observation technique to find out the program strategy based on Morissan’s concept from planning, production, execution, to evaluation. They started a planning by analized the audience for TV primetime, found out the best concept, then created a pilot project, schedulling and prepare for production. Production devided into three parts there are pre production, production, and post production handled by production team. For the execution, this program using stripping strategy to grab the audience as much as possible. For the last, evaluation held in daily, weekly, and monthly to make this program has better quality.


program, televisi, talkshow, produksi


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