Pola Komunikasi Komunitas Perantau Asal Madura di Kota Bandung

Ari Hartanto, Wulan Trigartanti


In an area in Bandung precisely at Malabar Street, there were a group of people that came from madura who work as traders which have specific objectives to achieve a common goal. Activities of communication was not separated from their daily life and always involved in routines of communication that are often done that became a special communication character, in here communication plays an important role in explaining everything, it is clear that communication cannot be separated from our daily life, both as individuals as well as members of society. The exchange of information that occurs in the process of communication within society itself is an exchange of meaningful symbols which basically are individuals that involved in activities of communication, therefore an activities that becomes a habit that often done makes a pattern of communication and habit pattern that makes a characteristic of each who does that communication. Under this conditions, conducted a study entitled " Patterns Of Community Communications of Nomads from Madura in Bandungâ€. This study aims to examine the activities of communication that consist of event communication, communication situations, acts of communication and meaning of communication that occurs the family of nomads from Madura in Bandung. This study is a qualitative method approach to ethnography of communication, by specifying key informants using purposive sampling techniques consisting of Mas Sudih and Mba Sulamah, Mas Ferry and Mba Misnadeh and Mas Marsiyam and Mba Mahriyeh as informants in this study. Data collection techniques used is conduct an in-depth interviews, participant observation and literature. Results from this study showed that there was a habit pattern that is often done that make activities of communication consisting event communication, communication situations, acts of communication and that meaning of communication became a habit that are rutines and form a pattern of communication that oriented in divergent social relations consisting of one way communication pattern, two way communication pattern and multy-directional communication pattern, that makes every family have their own respective role in their own activities of communications.


Ethnography of Communication, Communication Patterns, Nomads Origin Madura


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Sumber Lain : http://wiyatablog.blogspot.com/2008/11/interaksi-sosial-orang-madura-di-rantau_4032.html

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2164

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