Pola Komunikasi Orang Tua Perantau Minang dalam Membentuk Identitas Etnik Kebudayaan Minangkabau Terhadap Anak

Debby Triana Yulita, Wulan Trigartanti


Maintenance of cultural ethnic identity is crucial that culture is not eroded or lost, but the maintenance of ethnic cultural identity is usually only on the first-generation immigrants minang in research that parents nomads minang. This is because psychologically they still have the emotional closeness and have experience with the culture of origin. While they are second generation immigrants minang children were born and raised on the shoreline rarely interact with the culture of origin and some even did not ever know him. Thus the parents was instrumental in shaping the ethnic identity of children, so that children know their ethnic identity as the Minangkabau. Activity nomads minang parents against children is closely associated with the research "communication patterns nomads minang parents in shaping the culture of Minangkabau ethnic identity of the child". The purpose of this study was to determine the communication patterns of parents of children minang nomads in ethnic identity formation Minangkabau culture. This study used qualitative methods to approach symbolic interaction. Collecting data in enelitian done by observation, interview and documentation. Results of this study indicate that parents nomads minang establish ethnic cultural identity of the child by setting up the symbols of verbal and non-verbal concerning Minangkabau culture. Verbal symbols as communicate using language minang with children, non-verbal symbols is to play the songs Minang, Minangkabau typical cooking to children and invite children to visit my hometown.


Communication, Minang Overseas Parents, Children Overseas Minang


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2145

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