Strategi Public Relations Cipaganti Group dalam Upaya memulihkan Reputasi Perusahaan

yayu iklimatin, Muhammad E Fuady


Public Relations as a part of the organization becomes a necessity that is sometimes overlooked. However, when problems arise and cause a crisis in the company, making the company helter-skelter looking for a public relations practitioner who is considered as a solution. Public Relations arises because of the demands, especially in matters of building the image and reputation of an organization or enterprise. This study discusses Cipaganti Strategic Public Relations Group in the Corporate Reputation Recovery Efforts. Public Relations required to always be alert to handle any crisis within the company so that the crisis does not damage the reputation of the company. If the tarnished reputation, the Public Relations optimally should strive to restore the company's reputation. To conduct effective prevention strategies are needed specifically for the purpose of which is expected to be achieved by the company. Identify the problem in this research is how the process Cipaganti crisis? How Public Relations Cipaganti first step in dealing with the crisis? How Public Relations Cipaganti efforts in dealing with the crisis? The approach used is a case study in the form of a single case design. The essence of the case study, the main trend of all kinds of case studies is to try to explain decisions on why such studies have been, how to implement it and what the outcome (Scramm, in Yin, 2003: 17). Based on the results we concluded that the crisis originated Cipaganti of crises that occurred several years ago before 2014. The crisis arose because the management is less attention to the system while the organization managed company is a large company which consists of several companies that together in a group called Cipaganti Group. The initial step is also a major step undertaken by separating the management company is troubled that Cipaganti cooperative management with management that is not problematic that the management company Cipaganti. Efforts were made Cipaganti management group is (1) with the revision of the organizational structure (2) sell the shares that are considered not to provide benefits or even difficult to get the advantage and disadvantage of the company (3) does rebranding the company initially named Cipaganti Cipta Graha be Maharlika Nusantara Citra Corpora.


Strategy, Public Relations, Reputation


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