Hubungan Antara Tayangan 86 Di Net TV dengan Citra Polisi di Kalangan Masyarakat

nidia syifa, Muhammad Husen Fahmi


Mass communication broadcast information, ideas and attitudes to the communicant diverse in large numbers by using the media. A mass media communicators should convey a personal message to the thousands of heterogeneous dengang educational background, economic level, and different idea sat the same time. Because them ass media reported on the large number of people in the world then of course the media will affect the image formation on the social environment unequal, based and in accurate. This is in line with an 86 is areality show program produced in collaboration between the Net and the National Police of the Republic Indonesia on daily life. But the program 86,sometim esled tosome views from the public on the image of the police either positively or negatively. Hence,the authors interested in studying more about"What is the relationship Impressions 86 in Net TV with police image in the eyes of Society". The purpose of this research was to determine whether there is a relationship between intensity, message content, and attractiveness program 86 on Net TV with the image of the police . The theory used in this research is media exposure to the concept of agenda setting theory. The method used in this research is quantitative method with a correlation study, and data collection is taken from a questionnaire study with a sample of 74 society in the area kel. lebak Siliwangi. Based on the results of research and discussion that has been done, it can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between the intensity, the contents of the message and the attractiveness of Program 86 in Net TV with the image of the police in society. This means the display 86 on the Net T as the mass media have succeeded in changing the public image of the police. Because of the assumption of agenda setting is what is considered important by the media is also important in the eyes of the public, and what media will escape escape also for society


Program 86, Citra, Media Exposure, Agenda Setting


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