Hubungan Antara Komunikasi Antarbudaya dengan Harmonisasi Kerja di Bank BTN

erieka putri oktaviani, Erieka Putri Oktaviani


In one organization, we are facing many people with various cultures. We must be adaptation and understanding them in order to have a good communication with them who have various cultures different with us. Therefore, we can comprehend and study carefully about how to communicate without make a conflict in order to created a harmonious situation in the organization. Because of that reason, so this research investigated about a relation between intercutural communication with the harmonization of work in Bank BTN KCP Bandung. Problem’s identification that would be explained by researcher is, how is the relation between avoiding with harmonization of work, how is the relation between obliging with harmonization of work, how is the relation between comprimsing with the harmonization of work, how is the relation between dominating with harmonization of work, and how is the relation between integrating with harmonization of work. The purpose of this research is to find out how is the relation between intercultural communication with the harmonization of work in Bank BTN KCP Bandung. This research used quantitative research method and correlational approachment. Data aggregated’s techniques in this research are study literature, distribute questionnaires, and observation. Population in this research are all of employees who work in Bank BTN KCP Buah Batu Bandung. The result of this research is, there are a relation between intercultural communication with the harmonization of work in Bank BTN between avoiding, obliging, comprimsing, dominating, and intregrating toward the harmonization of work in Bank BTN.


Intercultural Communication , Harmonization Work , Faced Negotiation Theory.


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