Komunikasi Antar Budaya Mahasiswa Asal Korea

Annisa Gusliani, Tresna Wiwitan


This study, entitled "Intercultural Communication Students from Korea" which aims to find out intercultural communication that exists between students job training. Because usually occurs miss-communication barriers between the communicator and the communicant so that communication does not go well. So that communication events, communication situation, communication actions, perceptions and barriers profound effect on the course of intercultural communication. This research is qualitative, using ethnographic study of communication. A scientific research, which aims to study a culture in the context of the natural environment in a long time period. This study use traditional theory of intercultural communication Gudykunst & Kim, which means that interpersonal interaction with different cultural backgrounds. Source of data in this study there are several respondents, the student job training Korean, cultural center Korean experts and an Indonesian who had lived in Korea. Collecting data in this study using observation and interviews. However, in this study should have been many additions theory used. Based on interviews that investigators obtained, some respondents replied, events, situations and actions that occurred communication goes according to common objectives and depending on the degree of similarity of meaning. As early stereotypical perceptions met while acquainted. And also obstacles in communication, namely in the use of language, in terms of both verbal and non-verbal. However, it can be resolved because of the mutual openness and empathy.


culture, perceptions, barriers


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2072

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