Pola Konsumsi Mahasiswa Unisba dalam Menonton Tayangan “Masih Dunia Lain†di Trans 7

Rachma Dewi Haparti, Maya Amalia Oesman Palapah


Television show has a positive and negative effect to society. In addition to delivering information, entertainment, education and values of social transformation, there are still many television shows violence, sexual abuse, mystical, or convey information that is not correct. This study aims to explain the consumption patterns and typical behaviors of students Fikom Unisba in watching “(Masih) Dunia Lain†in Trans7. This study used a qualitative method with case study approach. The object studied is the pattern of media consumption, where the data source is 4 (four) people Fikom Unisba S1 level students are divided into two types, namely light and heavy viewer viewer. Results show that consumption patterns viewer informant light type are often alternated channel, has little time watching at night, do not have a specific time in watching "(Still) Other World", the use of television and the internet in proportion to watch the show, and will not be watched impressions “(Masih) Dunia Lainâ€in an environment that did not like the show. Typical behavior of student-type heavy viewer is afraid of ghosts or a quiet place, less rational, and easily hysterical when subjected to stressful events. For students, light viewer, media literacy skills lead students more rational and assume that the show is only part of the entertainment industry.


Consumption Patterns and Typical Behaviors, Students, Television show


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2058

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