Komunikasi Antar Pribadi pada Orang Tua Tunggal dengan Anak Remajanya

Shulbi Muthi Sabila Salayan Putri, Oji Kurniadi


The study was based on interpersonal communication between parents Single Mothers with teenage children in divorced families. Lack of time due to the selfishness and the busyness of parents who are divorced may lead to a lack of attention to children in terms of their psychological needs. Due to the existence of the divorce, the parents can not stay the same roof again and this can affect interpersonal communication to his son. To increase the usefulness of theoretical discourse interpersonal communication or interpersonal communication and practical utility gives an overview for the reader, especially the general public about the interpersonal communication of parents and children, especially in divorced families in this study is the cornerstone of interpersonal communication is considered the most powerful in the activities change attitudes, beliefs, opinions and behavior of communicants. Interpersonal communication generally takes place face-to-face (face to face) and Effective communication is characterized by good interpersonal relationships. In terms of the psychology of communication, we can state that the better the interpersonal relationships the more open people to express themselves. role (role skills), and avoid the conflict of roles and confusion. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive approach pengumpulkan techniques While the data in this study using in-depth interviews (depth interview) on single parents who were divorced in Bogor. It is therefore crucial role of parents in guiding their children and not freed up. In other words that apply permissive communication patterns will affect interpersonal relationships and lead to poor communication between parent and child.


Interpersonal Communication,single parent,teenager,divorced family


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2055

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