Hubungan Antara Program Musik Breakout di NET TV dengan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Informasi Tentang Musik

Devy Cahya Intani, Nova Yuliati


Television is one of the mass media that giving the most powerfull effect to its audience. The emergence of many television programs these days are currently influenced by the community needs, where one of them is the need for information. NET TV is the private television station in Indonesia which provides a music program, namely Breakout. Breakout NET is one of music program that has its own main appeal which on the one hand aims to entertain people through its broadcast, but on the other hand can also provide music information to the public as well. In general, this study aims to find out the relationship between Breakout music program on NET TV with fulfillment the needs of UNISBA Choir Student information about music. Spesifically, the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between media uses, media content, and message content of Breakout music program on NET TV with fulfillment of current information need, everyday information, exhaustive information, and catching-up information on members of UNISBA Student Choir about Western music. The study uses the theory of mass communication, spesifically the theory of uses and gratification as well. The respondents are members of UNISBA Student Choir who were still active. The methods used is correlational method by having 50 member as the respondents. The data analysis is calculated by using the rank-order correlation formula (Spearman's Rho). The result of this study showed that there is a high/strong relationship between Breakout music program on NET TV with fulfillment of information needs about Western music on members of Student Choir. With the value of the correlation coefficient is 0706, and hypothesis testing results obtained significance value of 0.000 < α = 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that Breakout music program on NET TV are able to fulfill the information needs about Western music on members of UNISBA Student Choir.


Music Program, Fulfillment of Information Needs, Music


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