Hubungan antara Penayangan Program City Guide PJTV dengan Pengetahuan Kuliner Khalayak

Putri Novi Anti, Nova Yuliati


The tittle of this essay is “The relationship between Impressions of program City Guide PJTV with public culinary knowledgeâ€. The purpose of this research is to know the relation between impressions of program City Guide PJTV with public culinary knowledge in generally. Specifically the purpose of this research is to know the relationship between intensity of watching, credibility of presenter, presentation technique of broadcast material in the program City Guide PJTV with perception, comprehension and public acceptance of the culinary. This research is quantitative using correlational technique. Technical data consists of doing some interview, distribute questionnaire and library research. . The population of this research are urban community in North Cimahi. Using multicluster sampling where this technique works by take one of the areas by means of lottery population. By doing this technique I found 60 population to become the responden of my observation. An analysis of the data used in the survey, the correlation formula spearman rank with a support program for social science ( statistic spss ) to see the relation between variables x and y. The theory is generally used in this research are mass communication and specifically of theory in this research is the S-O-R theory. The research results show that there is high / strong relationship between an program culinary City Guide pjtv with public culinary knowledge. That is the value of a correlation coefficient of 0.797 , and the hypothesis the results of the value of significance 0.000 <α=0.05 . Thus , can be concluded that city guide program of pjtv can become a source of knowledge audience cimahi city about the world culinary tourism.


Mass Media, Impressions of television program, knowledge.


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