Komunikasi Kelompok Etnis Tionghoa Di Bandung Dalam Menyelenggarakan Event Imlekan

Okke Tisnanda, Husen Fahmi


Group communication patterns in use is intensifying meetings between clans or cross-clan in a monastery or a special place to talk and discuss preparations for the event imlekan.dalam Background research that has been formulated by the researcher was "How the Chinese Ethnicity Group Communication in Event Organizing Imlekan?" The usefulness of this research is the researcher can learn and study the diverse culture of the nation is unique and interesting, and that became a symbol of Indonesian cultural treasures. In addition, researchers can learn koumunikasi technical group within a clan was like and also researchers can study the technical organization of the event was like. Group communication patterns that they use linguistically when it will host the event imlekan is intensifying face to face meetings with directly inter-clan or inter clan in a monastery or a special place to talk and discuss preparations for the event imlekan. Resistance factor is their members who rarely come in the meeting because of busy highly congested, busy generally due to occupation is very dense .kebudayaan Imlekan still refer to the city government, especially municipal reference that the four elements, namely: Tourism Bandung, Keagamis Bandung, Culture Bandung, and Arts Bandung. They often intensify the communication group meetings, conversations and discussions, particularly in the genus itself in terms of purchases of goods to be used in imlekan


Group communication, Chinese Ethnicity


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2033

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