Personal Branding Anouncer Radio di Bandung

Aghnia Lubis, Maman Suherman


Personal branding is a strong and clear image which is exist in someone mind about her or his self. There are three important aspects of personal branding his or her self, promises, and relationship. Personal branding itself might be a habit which is often done by people in Indonesia, it dosen’t different by gender, man or woman. Everyone do the personal branding. The observatory use kualitatif experimental design with an approachment of studycase. The observatory gathered, mannered and analysed the factual data systematically about “Personal Branding of Radio Announcer in Bandung†which is gain from Iqbal Ramadhan and Vivie Novidia, so that we can make a relevant conclusion with the problem of personal branding of radio announcer in Bandung, through observations and library studies. The observator gain that from of personal branding which had done of radio announcer through the observations of personal branding. There are existencion, improve self confidence and self competention.


Personal Branding, Eksistencion, Improve self confidence, self competention


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