Hubungan Antara Menonton Tayangan Modern Moms Trans 7 Dengan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Informasi Para Ibu

Mita Ramdhani Jaenuddin, Maman Suherman


Many types of mass media make the public have a lots of choice of media. The public can choose their preferred media and can be value added for the fulfillment of needed. Information is one of the requirements of the media. Television is one of media that is used as a source of information and entertainment. Audio-visual is a characteristic of television that makes it easy for the audience to understand any information given. Trans 7 with its mission of being a source of ideas and aspirations to educate and improve the quality of life, embodied by presenting broadcasts informative and educating program, the one of Impression is “Modern Momsâ€. This research, entitled "The Relationship between Watching Impressions Modern Moms Trans 7 with Fulfillment Information Moms Needs†The purpose of this research it was to also learn the relationship between watching Modern Moms Trans 7 with the fulfillment of information needs of mothers. This research use a correlational method. The analysis technique using in this research is descriptive analysis techniques and inferential analysis. The populations are the Women’s in posyandu area of Margahayusub-district, Bandung regency. The sample in this research is the mother in PosyanduAnggrek XI, South Margahayu, Margahayu sub- district, Bandung regency. The taking sampling technique using probability sampling method and the sampling technique usingcluster sampling method. The theory using in this research isTheory of Uses and Gratification. Meanwhile, to collect data the researchers using questionnairetechnique, interview and literature study. The results showed that there is a strong and positive relation between watching Modern Moms Trans 7 with the fulfillment of information needs of the mother with the value of the correlation coefficient of 0.636. The conclusion of this research is that there is a relationship between watching Modern Moms Trans 7 with the fulfillment of information needs of the mother.


Using Media, Television Program, Fulfillment Information Needs


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