Hubungan Antara Tayangan Iklan Energen Dengan Kesadaran Khalayak Untuk Sarapan Sehat Di Pagi Hari

Alfi Fauzia Hakim, Oji Kurniadi


Television became one of the influential mass media. No wonder television is often used as a medium to disseminate information, promotions, campaigns, etc. Advertising also often use the medium of television though the cost is not small. Such as public service announcements made by Energen in cooperation with the Pergizi Pangan Indonesia. Messages in this advertisement contains an invitation to do a healthy breakfast before 9 a.m. Based on this, researchers interested in conducting research that aims to determine how the relationship between advertising impressions Energen version of "Sarapan Sehat Sebelum Jam 9" with the awareness of the public to do a healthy breakfast in the morning. The research methodology used is correlational, with respondents students of SMAN 6 Bandung. The theory used is Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Indicator variable X (Energen ad impressions), that is fulfillment of expectations, models, slogans, and the emotions involved. While the indicator variable Y (public awareness do a healthy breakfast in the morning), that is knowledge, persuasion, decision, and confirmation. Results from this research indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between advertising impressions Energen version of "Sarapan Sehat Sebelum Jam 9" with the awareness of the public to do a healthy breakfast in the morning.


Advertisement, Awareness, Energen, Healty Breakfast


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